Installation Guides

  • Adding New Location & DB Changes In Eco-Mail Application To Access the Research Mail Queue In Portal- V1.8

    1. Stop all process from the Distributor (please refer the Start/Stop guide).

    2. Stop all process from the Exchange (please refer the Start/Stop guide).

    3. Stop all process from the Producer (please refer the Start/Stop guide).

    4. Stop all process from Tomcat-1 (please refer the Start/Stop guide).

    5. Stop all process from Tomcat-2 (please refer the Start/Stop guide).

    6. Adding New Location (e.g. DEL - Delaware Research mail) On Tomcat-1 & Tomcat-2

    a. Access Tomcat-1 server and login to emxuser

    • su emxuser
    • Go to location while executing command - cd /home/emxuser/SVNRoot/deployments/ecomail/emxportal/config/current/
    • Execute the command to list out all files - ls -ltr
    • Open producerInfoConfig file in any editor - vi producerInfoConfig.xml
    • Edit below tag and add new location values -

      <locationName><location id="{Location Id}">{location name}</location>

       <splitPdfFileNameLocationId>{pdf location}</splitPdfFileNameLocationId>
    • To save file after modification, executing command - :wq!

    For example - 

    Current Tag Values are - 

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location></locationName>


    After adding new location - 

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location><location id="DEL">Delaware</location></locationName>


    Note - Please execute the same above steps on Tomcat-2 to add new location.

    7. Adding New Location on Tomcat-1 & Tomcat-2 for Producer Admin (Report)

    a.. Access Tomcat-1 server and login to emxuser

    • su emxuser
    • Go to location while executing command - cd /home/emxuser/SVNRoot/deployments/ecomail/produceradmin/config/current/
    • Execute the command to list out all files - ls -ltr
    • Open distributorInfoConfig file in any editor - vi distributorInfoConfig.xml
    • Edit below tag and add new location values -

      <locationName><location id="{Location Id}">{location name}</location>

    • To save file after modification, executing command - :wq!

    For example - 

    Current Tag Values are - 

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location></locationName>

    After adding new location - 

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location><location id="DEL">Delaware</location></locationName>

    8. Adding New Location (e.g. DEL - Delaware Research mail) On Producer

    1. Access Producer server and login to emxuser

    • su emxuser
    • Go to location while executing command - cd /home/emxuser/SVNRoot/deployments/ecomail/producer/config/current/
    • Execute the command to list out all files - ls -ltr
    • Open producerInfoConfig file in any editor - vi producerInfoConfig.xml
    • Edit below tag and add new location values -

      <locationName><location id="{Location Id}">{location name}</location>

       <splitPdfFileNameLocationId>{PDF location ID}</splitPdfFileNameLocationId>

                    <splitPdfDispatchLocationId>{PDF Location ID}</splitPdfDispatchLocationId>

    • To save file after modification, executing command - :wq!

    For example - 

    Current Tag Values are

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location></locationName>


    After adding new location - 

    <locationName><location id="SAT">San Antonio</location><location id="NYC">New York</location><location id="DEL">Delaware</location></locationName>



    Database Changes Required For Adding New Research Mail Queue
    a. Producer Database Changes

    (Note: Before executing below query, you must know the Group Unique ID's ex. IDMS_NY_RESEARCH_MAIL),

    INSERT INTO producer.ResearchMailConsumerGroup (GROUPNAME,LOCATIONID,PRODUCERID,ACTIVE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDATE) VALUES ('{GroupName}','{LocationID}','JPMC25021911',1,'admin',20151221124638.739);

    INSERT INTO ‘producer.RESEARCHGROUPLOCATION’ (LOCATIONID,GROUPCONSUMERID,CREATEDATE,CREATEDBY,ACTIVE) VALUES ('{LocationID}','31116b10-3cc0-11e4-9e6d-000c29ce3457','20140908075952.832','ADMIN',1);


    For Example-

    INSERT INTO producer.ResearchMailConsumerGroup (GROUPNAME,LOCATIONID,PRODUCERID,ACTIVE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDATE) VALUES ('IDMS_NY_RESEARCH_MAIL','NYC','JPMC25021911',1,'admin','20151221124638.739');

    INSERT INTO ‘producer.RESEARCHGROUPLOCATION’ (LOCATIONID,GROUPCONSUMERID,CREATEDATE,CREATEDBY,ACTIVE) VALUES ('NYC','31116b10-3cc0-11e4-9e6d-000c29ce3457','20140908075952.832','ADMIN',1);


    Verify below tables after updating of producer database.

    1. select * from producer.ResearchMailConsumerGroup;

    2. select * from producer.ResearchGroupLocation;

    b. Distributor Database Changes

    (Note: Before executing below query, you must know the Group Unique ID's ex. IDMS_NY_RESEARCH_MAIL)

    Login into Distributor db and execute below command :

    INSERT INTO Distributor.ResearchGroupLocation (LOCATIONID, GROUPCONSUMERNAME, CREATEDATE, CREATEDBY,ACTIVE) VALUES ('{LocationID}','{LocationName}',20140915100808.257,'Exchange',1);


    For Example-



    INSERT INTO distributor.ResearchMailConsumerGroup (GROUPNAME,LOCATIONID,PRODUCERID,ACTIVE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDATE) VALUES ('{GroupName}','{LocationID}','JPMC25021911',1,'admin',20151221124638.739);


    For Example-

    INSERT INTO distributor.ResearchMailConsumerGroup (GROUPNAME,LOCATIONID,PRODUCERID,ACTIVE,CREATEDBY,CREATEDATE) VALUES ('IDMS_NY_RESEARCH_MAIL','NYC','JPMC25021911',1,'admin','20151221124638.739');


    Verify the below tables after changes of distributor database.

    select * from distributor.ResearchGroupLocation;
    Select * from distributor.ResearchMailConsumerGroup;

    Start the process from all Servers

    • Start the process from Tomcat-1 & tomcat-2
    •  Start the process from Distributor
    • Start the process from Exchange
    • Start the process from Producer
    See more